Why does Salesforce has IDs with 15 digits and IDs with 18 digits?
The ID with 15 digits is case sensivite. This means:
The ID "0011r0000000abc" and "0011r0000000ABC" are pointing to different records in Salesforce.
The ID with 18 digits is adding 3 more digits at the end of the ID. This 3 digits are a checksum of the first 15 digits.
I often need the 18 digit ID in Excel to use VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP.
Here you find more information (Salesforce Help pages):
General Information
JavaScript exampel by Salesforce
Create a formular field in Salesforce
How does it work?
Add your Salesforce IDs into the input field and click the button "Convert". The converted IDs will be added into the output field.
If you enter IDs with 15 digits, they will be converted to 18 digits. If you enter IDs with 18 digits, they will be converted to 15 digits.
You can also add a list of IDs. The following formats work:
- One line er ID
- ID with separator: Comma, semicolon, pipe symbol
With the button "Copy to clickboard" you can add the converted IDs to your clipboard.
With the button "Clear all" you can clear both fields: Input and Output.